What Is A Healthy Body Fat Percentage For Women?

We all want to look good and keep our body as healthy as possible. For this it is important to have a healthy fat percentage. But how do you know what the right percentage is for your body? What does the number on the scale say about your fat mass and what is the danger of too high a fat percentage? Read on mmc 996 Singapore quick.

What is my ideal fat percentage?

The number on the scale says nothing about your fat percentage. If you exercise a lot, your muscle mass may be higher than that of the average woman. A healthy fat percentage is linked to many factors. For example, it is possible that your body composition shifts because you exercise a lot. Your age is also important when calculating a healthy percentage. In this article we assume an average adult woman. With a simple calculation you calculate the ideal percentage, this is about 20 to 30% of your total body weight. For a woman weighing 70 kilos, this would mean that she may have 14 to 21 kilos of fat. At gyms it is often possible to calculate your percentage and what it takes to arrive at a healthy fat mass.

Why do women have more fat mass than men?

In general, women have much more fat mass than men. For example, a man may have an average of 8 to 17% fat mass for a healthy body. It is biologically responsible for women to store more fat as reserves. After all, they must be able to carry a pregnancy in order to maintain reproduction. Also the problem areas where women store fat different from men. Women mainly see fat on their thighs, hips, breasts and stomach. A man stores everything in his upper body, which is why men often have jealous legs.

Why is a high fat percentage dangerous?

We think it is especially important to feel comfortable and look good. A high fat percentage can make you a lot more insecure. In addition, there are also a lot of health risks associated with an increased percentage. In this way, you may be more at risk of cardiovascular disease, increased cholesterol, strokes and depression in the longer term.